The Question2Answer Akismet Plugin will check questions, answers and comments for spam. If spam is detected, it will be queued for moderation.
Requirements : Q2A 1.5.4 – PHP 5.x – cURL PHP extension
Current Version : 1.0 Q2A 1.5.4
Download Link :
** Q2A 1.6 Update **
Since Q2A 1.6 is fast approaching, I’ve updated my plugin to fully support the new version. While I was at it, I went ahead and added a new “Moderate questions, answers and comments that contain links” option. When enabled, this will further protect your Q2A site from spammers. (Big thanks to VdoubleE for all the beta testing!)
Q2A 1.6 Download Link :
To install the Q2A Akismet plugin, create a folder called akismet-spam-filter in your qa-plugin directory and copy the qa-plugin.php, qa-akismet.php and akismet.class.php in to that folder. This plugin requires a Akismet API key. If you do not have one, you will need to sign up for a free API key. For non-business personal sites, choose the ‘Personal’ plan.
To activate the plugin, head over to Admin / Plugins and enter in your API key. The plugin also offers an option to only use the Akismet spam filter for users with less than XX points.
I plan to add additional options (in the near future) that will highlight detected spam content in your ‘Moderate’ section, as well as adding “spam” and “ham” buttons on content pages. If you enjoy this plugin or would like to help support this project, you can do so by sending us a donation – thank you in advance, every bit helps!
Would you like to contribute to this project? Q2A Akismet Plugin on Github
I can’t believe someone finally made this plugin!
This is desperately needed to combat today’s spam. Thank you for including the option to only spam filter users based on points – this was also requested several times on the Q&A site.
Well done sir!
Due to the amount of spam my Q&A site was receiving, I was ready to close the doors. I’m not a fan of moderating every users post – it’s too time consuming.
I’ve only had this plugin installed for 10 hours and it caught all 35 spam posts!
Thank you so much for creating this … maybe now I can spend more time with the family rather than hunting down and deleting spam.
@darrylc – Thank you! I noticed on the Q&A site someone (in late 2011) claimed to be working on one … why it was never released is beyond me. Now that this plugin exists, spammers will have to find a new home :)
@Doug Patton – You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help!
This plugin is a great service to the Q2A ecosystem. Like the others, I can also report that spam abuse was increasing.
When I try to edit the options of the plugin on the Q2A admin pannel, only a blank page is shown… I mean, no html output at all…
Do you have any ideas on how to fix this? I’m using the “Q2A-Akismet-Plugin-v2b3” version downloaded from this post, and my Q2A version is the 1.6.2 downloaded from GitHub.
Thank you.
@Arthur – I’m not exactly sure why you are having that issue. I just a fresh install of 1.6.2 / Akismet plugin and everything works just fine.
Could you check your webserver error logs and copy / paste any errors that are showing up?
Hi Dave,
do you have any plans to also allow submitting spam to akismet?
Thanks! This is a very useful plugin for q2a.
Would you consider adding an option to delete all spam posts directly, instead of sending them for moderation? I understand akismet may give some false positives, but I think that’s a trade-off a lot of webmasters can live with. An option would be nice? :-)
I’ve installed the v2 b3.
Then I wanted to setup the key : I’ve made access to the Admin section , Plugins, Akismet Spam Filter v2.0 Beta 3, and clicked the “options” link.
I received a blank page as the previous post.
In the php error log file there was the following error :
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()
The plugin needs curl installed with php (as it’s written in the requirements section…)
So I installed it :
apt-get install php5-curl
and restarted apache.
After this procedure I could see the setup page.
I’ve posted here :
an issue I found with the plugin.
It’s about the link moderation.
@Patrick – I was planning to, but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time yet.
@Anders – Thank you for the suggestion, I will see what can be done in the next update.
@Maxj – I was under the impression that Q2A converted all links to clickable links when you enter them in. That’s what happens here anyways. I’ll have to have a look at the options later tonight to see what is going on.
Thanks Dave
Hi Dave, have you had time to have a look ? If you didn’t have time, no prob :-)
Hi Dave,
Thanks a lot for that plugin! Do you think you can in the next version also check what is submitted through the feedback form? I currently receive lots of spam from there.
HI Dave Please Update your Plug in It is not working on new q2a versions ,
Hi Dave,
Thank you for creating an amazing plugin. I was looking for something with Akismet as it saves a lot of time with wordpress. I cannot wait to use it.
Appreciate all the great work !
Hi Dave,
it would be very nice to have some options how spam is treated. Adding to the moderation queue is very time consuming for me. I would like to have an option that completely deletes spam messages.
Thank for this akismet plugin of Question2Answer
Yes, having a bulk delete option would be wonderful. Thank you for creating this plug-in, helped save me from over 400 spam message in a week!!
Hello Dave Hannon, the new update for question2answer (v 1.7) is approaching near. Would you update the plugin so that it should work good and flawless on new release of q2a??
Thanks, a good Plugin !
I find bug:
i install plugin into my question2answer 1.6.3 intagrated with wordpress.
And i go to page with options Question2Answer Akismet Plugin. After this i see blank page.
I turn on show php errors. And i sow what it is conflict whith akismet wordpress system plugin: “redeclarated class akismet.”
I rename class in file akismet.class.php to “class nakismet”
and in file qa-akismet.php i replace “new akismet” to “new nakismet”.
After this plugin will worked!
Thank you for this plugin!
P.S. Sorry for my english – i am russian))
The plugin is in conflict if
a) q2a is integrated with wordpress installation
b) wordpress installation has akismet plugin (wordpress plugin)
Error from the error log:
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class akismet in …/akismet.class.php on line 8
@Michael – I’ll try and get fix out for this, but in the meantime to get it working for you now – edit the “qa-akismet.php” file and …
Change all instances of :
require_once $this->directory.'akismet.class.php';
To this:
if (!class_exists('akismet')) { require_once $this->directory.'akismet.class.php'; }
Is this plugin working with 1.7 ?
Yes, just download the latest version from Github
can you please update the latest version
Sorry, I haven’t used Q2A in over 7 years.